Domestic Abuse Aware Practice




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If you are being hurt or controlled by your current or ex-partner, or are afraid of someone at home or a member of your family, you can talk to doctors, nurses and other staff working here, in private.


Lancashire Victim Services

For support speak to someone here at your practice or call: Lancashire Victim Services on 0300 323 0085 and ask for the Iris Team.

lancashire victim services Logo

National Domestic Abuse Helpline
If you are a woman, you can call the 24-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline on freephone: 0808 2000 247

Men's Advice Line
If you are a man, you can call the Men's Advice Line on: 0808 8010 327

If you have been violent or are worried about your behaviour, call Respect on: 0800 802 40 40