Structured Medication Reviews

What is a structured medication review (SMR)?

An SMR is a private, confidential meeting between you and clinical member of the practice team (usually one of our clinical pharmacists) to discuss your health and medication, you should expect this to take approximately 30 minutes.

Our clinical pharmacists are experts in medications, and they work alongside your doctors to make sure all your medications are right for you.

The aim of the review is to ensure that you are being prescribed the most appropriate medicines for you in line with current guidance, making sure that you get the most safe and effective treatment available without affecting the quality of your care or your daily routine.


What happens during the review?

During the review you will be asked about how you are getting on with your medicines - so please do advise about any problems or concerns you may have. You will also be able to ask any questions you may have about your medicines, to improve your understanding or help you to get better use from them.


How should you prepare for your review?

Your review will likely take place over the telephone, so please ensure we have your correct contact information.

Some reviews may take place face to face, in which case please bring all medications and your lists of questions with you.

Once you have booked your review either via the app online or with reception, please make a note of the date and time of your call.

Make a list of ALL your medication:

  • Everything you are prescribed either from the GP or elsewhere e.g. hospital
  • Any medications that you buy over the counter from the pharmacy, supermarket or other stores, including herbal or supplement treatments
  • Any medicines that you no longer take – it is important that we know what you have stopped taking and why, so that we can ensure the correct treatment is prescribed.
  • If you have not had time to make this list – please, try to ensure all your medications are with you at the time of the call.

Make a list of any questions you may have about your medications, things you might want to consider include:

  • Why is it important to take this medication?
  • When and how to take the medication?
  • How long should it be taken for?
  • How do I know if its working, and what should I do if I have a problem with it?
  • Are there any medicines, food, alcohol etc that I should avoid whilst taking this medication?
  • What will happen if I miss a dose or choose to stop taking it?

What happens after the review?

Depending on what is discussed and any changes we agree with you, we may make follow up appointments. If this is necessary, the pharmacist will discuss a time and date that would best suit you.

Your regular GP will be informed that a review has taken place and of any suggested medication changes we have agreed together with you at the meeting.

A summary of the review will be documented in your medical record.

Any tests or referrals to other health care professionals, if necessary, will be agreed and acted upon.

We will be offering an online appointments booking option following an invitation from our BMG Pharmacists team, however if booked incorrectly without an invitation, then it will be cancelled and you will be informed via text to rebook an appointment through other appropriate channels?